Index May 2015

2015-05-01: A Hole in the System;
2015-05-02: Reefs etc;
2015-05-03: BRICS from below: counterpower movements in Brazil, India and South Africa;
2015-05-04: The Message of Anzac: Put Out More Flags, or Shut Up;
2015-05-05: Alexandre Jardin;
2015-05-06: Anugama;
2015-05-08: Money Argent Geld;
2015-05-09: The looming Iraq (economic) disaster;
2015-05-10: Clear-Cutting (in the Valcea region of the Carpathian Mountains) in Romania;
2015-05-11: Driven mad: inside a Libyan detention centre for female migrants;
2015-05-12: Cafe de Mar – YouTube-Mix;
2015-05-13: The White Hats Report – (en & de);
2015-05-14: KITARO;
2015-05-15: The Arab Boat;
2015-05-15: Bemerkungen, Meinungen, Streitereien;
2015-05-16: Five Major Banks to Plead Guilty to Rigging Currency Markets;
2015-05-17: my YouTube Mix …;
2015-05-18: If Too-Big-to-Fail means Too-Big-to-Jail it should mean Too-Big-to-Be;
2015-05-19: Over Reach of the Financial-Military Complex and the New Multi-Polar World Order;
2015-05-20: Winning a Nuclear War?
2015-05-21: The Dysfunctionality of Slavery and Neoliberalism – Michael Perelman;
2015-05-22: The Complete History of Monsanto;
2015-05-23: How UNITE Took on the Fast Food Companies Over Zero Hour Contracts and Won;
2015-05-24: Roger Waters & Pink Floyd and others;
2015-05-25: Deuter and more;
2015-05-26: Battle of humanity, Muslim scholars make desperate call to save Syria’s Palmyra;
2015-05-27: EU dropped pesticide laws due to US pressure over TTIP, documents reveal;
2015-05-28: Polarizing Development, Introducing Alternatives to Neoliberalism and the Crisis;
2015-05-29: Washington’s “Two Track Policy” to Latin America;
2015-05-30: Join the global call for sharing;
2015-05-31: Benefit cap could drop 40,000 children into poverty, leaked memo warns;
2015-05-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, MAY 1-31, 2015.