Published on Share The World’s Resources STWR, petition now running:
Sign the global call for sharing and add your voice to the growing demand for a fairer sharing of wealth, power and resources within and between countries. Download the campaign statement as a PDF.
As explained in the report: Sharing as our common cause, the principle of sharing is already central to diverse calls for social justice, environmental stewardship, global peace and true democracy. The ‘global call for sharing’ campaign aims to build upon this recognition among civil society organisations and the wider public, and promote the role that a call for sharing can play in uniting progressive movements across the world … //
… By signing this statement, we affirm the fundamental importance of strengthening and scaling up all genuine forms of sharing in our divided world. We therefore add our voice to an emerging worldwide call for sharing, and commit to engage in this crucial debate at every opportunity.
… and Sign as an individual … or as an organization …
(full text).
Related Links:
STWR /Homepage; /About; /Activities; /Contact and /Address: Share The World’s Resources, PO Box 52662, London, N7 8UX, United Kingdom, +44 (0) 20 7609 3034, Email.
on en.wikipedia:
- Responsibility to protect The Responsibility to Protect (R2P or RtoP) is a proposed norm that sovereignty is not an absolute right, and that states forfeit aspects of their sovereignty when they fail to protect their populations from mass atrocity crimes and human rights violations (namely genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing).[1][2][3] The R2P has three pillars …; /See also; /External Links;
- Power politics (or, in German, Machtpolitik) is a form of international relations in which sovereign entities protect their own interests by threatening one another with military, economic or political aggression. The term was the title of a 1979 book by Martin Wight, which the Times Literary Supplement listed as the 18th most influential book since World War II …; /See also; /External Links;
- The United Nations World Water Assessment Programme WWAP monitors the world’s freshwater resources. WWAP provides recommendations, develops case studies, enhance assessment capacity at a national level and inform the decision-making process. Founded in 2000, it is the flagship programme of UN-Water and is housed in UNESCO. Its primary product, the UN World Water Development Report, is a periodic, comprehensive review providing an authoritative picture of the state of the world’s freshwater resources …;
- Social mortgage is a term used in Catholic social teaching. According to this body of thought, the social mortgage is the conditions under which humanity is allowed to use the goods of the world (which are viewed as part of God’s creation). Use of the world’s resources is bound up with responsibility towards the rest of humanity …;
- … more search results on en.wikipedia by key-word world’s recources;
Other Links:
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