Interview with Sam Gindin, 26.59 min, on New Politics, by Lois Weiner, August 31, 2014 (also on YouTube, uploaded there by Stephen Shalom, August 31, 2014).
Sam Grindin:
- on JACOBIN, Reason in Revolt;
- on YORK University;
- on Verso Books;
- on Monthly Review;
- on en.wikipedia;
more Related Links:
- Capitalist breakdown and the drive to war, on WSWS, by Nick Beams, Sept 6, 2014;
- BRICS and the New Axis of Expansionist Capitalism, on Anarkismo, by Bruno Lima Rocha – translated by Daniel Gutiérrez, Aug 24, 2014;
- The Bank of America Settlement and the Justice of Capitalism, on Global, by Andre Damon, Aug 23, 2014;
- Responsible Capitalism’ is Nonsense, The Left Must Offer a Real Alternative, on Global, by Socialist Project, Aug 13, 2014;
- Is Africa The Next Frontier For Global Capitalism? on AFK, by Ann Brown, Aug 10, 2014;
- Global Capitalism and the Financial Earthquake, on Asharq Al-Awsat, by Amir Taheri, Aug 9, 2014;
- Unmaking Global Capitalism, on JACOBIN, June 2014;
- Capitalism / Global Capitalism on en.wikipedia;
Other Links:
Update: Libérez-vous des lobbies agro-alimentaires et pharmaceutiques, dans Gesundheit Santé Health, le 8 septembre 2014;
Jobs may be at risk as fate of Export-Import Bank is debated, on Los Angeles Times, by Jim Puzzanghera, Sept 7, 2014;
Resistance Against Enclosure – Internet as Global Commons, on AntiWar Blog, by Nozomi Hayase, Sept 06, 2014;
Immigration seen as bonanza for slumping global defense industry, on america.Al-Jazeera, Sept 6, 2014;
Scottish independence: A yes vote will produce a leaner, meaner Scotland, on The Guardian, by Simon Jenkins, Sept 4, 2014: The no campaign offers merely stasis. Even with devo max, Scots would remain in political shackles. It’s time to break free …;
Forget Piketty: How Sweden combined wealth and equality through capitalism, on CITY A.M., by Andreas Berg, Aug 27, 2014;
… and this:
- Concernant le désir chez Freud, voici ma nouvelle proposition: Le désir ne serait plus une pulsion, mais de la part du cerveau une action pour retrouver un équilibre perdu. Ces soi-disant pulsions n’auraient pas de vie propre, mais comme ce ré-équilibrage de la machine doit continuer, la solution réussie se transforme en addiction … d’ou la difficulté de l’arrêter, sauf si on trouverait et stopperait la cause du déséquilibre, ce qui n’est pas toujours faisable – Heidi, noté il y a vingt ans.