Published on Global, Oct 20, 2015.
(See also Arrest Records).
The following infographic shows us how profitable the US prison industry is. “Between 1980 and 1994, profits went up from $392 million to $1.31 billion” dollars. As reported in The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?, inmates, mostly Blacks and Hispanics, are also being exploited by various industries:
“For the tycoons who have invested in the prison industry, it has been like finding a pot of gold … //
(full graphs, statistics, links, text).
Mathew D. Rose: Hubris and Nemesis In Germany – Volkswagen, Refugees, and Football, on naked capitalism, by Yves Smith, Oct 22, 2015;
Fighting Class War while Walking on Two Legs, on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1176, by Cynthia Peters, Oct 21, 2015;
Europe Secretly Starts Imposing TTIP “Trade” Deal Despite the Public’s Overwhelming Opposition – Eric Zuesse, on naked capitalism, by Yves Smith, Oct 20, 2015;
5 of the Biggest Acts of Corporate Hypocrisy in America, on naked capitalism, by Yves Smith, Oct 20, 2015;
Slovenia buckles as migrants rush to escape winter, border closures, on WixNews, Oct 20;
2 videos on the dire situation on Greek island of Lesbos and the amazing volunteers helping refugees, by MARJA NOVAK AND MAJA ZUVELA: Slovenia to ask EU for police back-up to cope with influx of migrants, 0.55 min, on Reuter, Oct 20; – and – another video, 7,35 min, on CNN, Oct 19);
La Babélienne du mois, Marianne Delaforge, dans Café BABEL, le 13 oct 2015: Marianne n’a pas attendu que les réfugiés viennent frapper à la porte de la Hongrie pour en parler. D’eux et du pays. Installée depuis 3 ans dans l’«Orbanistan », cette journaliste made in sud de la France a peut-être écrit ce que vous lirez de plus humain sur un pays souvent incompris. Sans doute grâce à son amour pour la glace au yaourt – un Entretien;
… and still:
- JRE: TED Conference Exposed – Eddie Huang, 14.17 min, uploaded by Brandon Farley (MischiefMaker37), Feb 28, 2013 … Joe Rogan talks to Eddie Huang about his experience at the TED conference;
- Graham Hancock talks about his banned TED talk … on the Lifeboat Hour with Mike Ruppert 17/03/2013, 57.51 min, uploaded by revolution love evolve, March 19, 2013;
- Repetition: the 8 banned TED Talks (in autoplay), uploaed by Hunor Peter, May 10, 2010.