Published on Yahoo/Finance, by Andy Serwer, April 29, 2016.
… “After the events of 2008, really since then, the central banks either collectively or individually have tried to implement policies which would, in effect, buy time for individual governments to take the actions they should take to put their houses in order,” Thornton says.
“By and large, the governments have not done that. So I feel as though we’re sitting in 2016 with many of the same problems that we’ve had for the last eight or 10 years, they haven’t been addressed very forcefully, we’re living on borrowed time. And sooner or later, that ends in tears. I’m generally, sort of, uneasy with where things are. And I think by and large, if things don’t make common sense, sooner or later, they come home to roost,” he says.
Thornton made these comments speaking at a reception for his son, J.R. Thornton’s new book “Beautiful Country,” hosted at Yahoo in New York City on April 21 … //
… I was curious as to what Thornton thought U.S. business leaders and political leaders could do to improve relations with China. “Until the United States—and I’m talking here about national leaders particularly, political leaders—until they see and treat the Chinese as peers, until that occurs, the relationship will always be, by definition, imbalanced,” he says. “When the Chinese hear things – expressions like ‘global standards,’ that is code language for American standards wrapped in a global package” … //
… (full text).
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