- #1ERMAI: 17.000 manifestants à Paris selon la préfecture de police, 70.000 selon la CGT, en hausse par rapport à 2015, dans l’Obs, le 1er mai 2016;
- The Big News in the Union Rift Over the Working Families Party, on ZNet (first on Portside.org), by Jim Pope, May 1, 2016;
- Protesters clash with riot police at May Day rally in Paris (VIDEO), on RT, May 1, 2016;
- Google honours Labour Day with a doodle, on Indian Express, by Express Web Desk, New Delhi, May 1, 2016: The doodle — featuring factory workers clad in safety gear and hard at work — perfectly sums up the essence of Labour Day. But the doodle does not cover the Indian market;
- UAE pays tribute to workers on Labour Day, on Khaleej Times, May 1, 2016;
- Workers’ Day (Public Holiday), on Cape Town Magazine, May 1, 2016: this South African public holiday commemorates the working class – the cogs that keep the clock ticking;
- Workers celebrate Labour Day, on Daily Nation, Kenya, May 1, 2016; Mr Atwoli thanked President Uhuru Kenyatta for spearheading the revival of Pan Paper Mills;
- International Workers’ Day: PM salutes ‘Shramiks’ hard work, determination on Labour Day, on The Times of India, May 1, 2016;
- International Labour Day being observed …, on Dunay News.tv, Islamabad, May 2016;
- International Workers’ Day (or Labour Day);
- French unions in the face of the labour law and a citizens’ labour movement – report, on transform, by Verveine Angeli, April 20, 2016: when it launched its umpteenth reform, the French government was counting on a trade union movement weakened by in-fighting and defeats, on pensions in particular;
- download May Day 2016: May Day, Workers’ Struggles, International Solidarity, Political Aspirations, 68 pdf.pages, on Socialist Project.ca, 2016 … from the Socialist Interventions Pamphlet Series;
Other Links:
Credentialism and Corruption – Neoliberalism in The “News” Room, on naked capitalism (first on Corrente), by Lambert Strether, May 1, 2016;
The True Magnitude Of The New Home Sales Collapse, on Global Research.ca (first on Zero Hedge), by Tyler Durden, May 01, 2016;
on Geopolitical Analysis, by K.N. Pandita:
- On the chessboard of South Asian defense strategies, April 30, 2016;
- The ‘Great Game’ Reborn in the Indian Ocean, a Tale of Two Ports, April 21, 2016;
- Reality about fighting nuclear terror, April 13, 2016;
“Dilma’s mistake was to promote class conciliation, on ZNet (first on The Dawn), by João Pedro Stédile, April 30, 2016;
Erdogan’s Big Prize – Europe At Odds over Visa Freedom for Turks, on Spiegel Online International, by Christiane Hoffmann, Peter Müller, Ralf Neukirch, Maximilian Popp, Christoph Schult and Wolf Wiedmann-Schmidt, April 29, 2016: Brussels is likely to open the door for visa-free travel to Europe for Turkish citizens, even if Ankara doesn’t fulfill all the conditions imposed. Many in Europe are concerned that it could trigger a wave of new refugees from Turkey itself;
Australia rejects large land sale to China, on RT, April 29, 2016;
uploaded by The Big Picture RT:
- Ralph Nader on Breaking Through Power, 12.46 min, April 29, 2016 … If the rise of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders is any indication – Americans are sick and tired of the establishment and the powers that be. So how can we break through those powers and make a better country for all? I’ll ask legendary consumer right advocate and 5 time presidential candidate Ralph Nader in tonight’s Conversations with Great Minds; Check out BreakingThroughPower.org on it’s Website; on YouTube-search; on Google Web-search;
- Ralph Nader on How to Dismantle the Corporate State, 12.41 min, May 9, 2014 … Ralph Nader, unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State, joins Thom Hartmann on his new book;
- Corporate America has Messed with the Wrong People, 13.27 min, Dec 28, 1012 … Professor Richard Wolff, New School University NYC, joins Thom Hartmann. Facing salary cuts, Port workers on the East Coast are threatening a strike that could impact the economy to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. We’ll talk about why THIS strike in particular is so important – and how – if it’s successful – it could bring about a future Leisure Society for working Americans;
In pursuit of elusive “Peace”, on KASHMIR and IDPs, by K.N. Pandita, April 28, 2016;
Dangerous Thoughts – There is a Tipping Point For Revolution in America, 13.31 min, uploaded by Julianna Forlano Collection, March 1, 2013 … with Dr. Richard Wolff.