related articles published during February 2016: (continuously updated … )
INDIA: MFs expect basic income tax exemption going up to Rs 3 lakh, Feb 29;
MFs See Rise In Basic Income Tax Exemption Limit, Feb 29;
L’utopie du revenu garanti récupérée par la Silicon Valley, le 29 févr;
BASIC INCOME: a Trillion-Euro Bad Idea; Feb 29;
So who is promoting Basic Income in Canada? Feb 29;
Thunder Bay and Ontario’s Basic Income Pilot Project, Feb 28;
US Income Inequality: Silicon Valley talks a good game on ‘basic income’, but its words are empty, Feb 28;
CANADA: Ontario Commits to Basic Income Pilot in New Budget, Feb 28;
Noah Kulwin: Y Combinator Wants to Study Universal Income. Here’s Where it Can Start, Feb 28;
INDIA – Budget 2016: MF’s expect basic income tax exemption going up to Rs 3 lakh, Feb 28, 2016;
FRANCE – Langon: Troisième anniversaire de la monnaie locale La Miel, le 27 févr;
L’Ontario songe à instaurer un revenu de base pour ses habitants, le 27 févr;
Basic Income: Ontario introduce Pilot Program aimed at improving efficiency, eliminating poverty, Feb 27;
Un revenu de base pour libérer du joug du capitalisme, le 27 févr;
FINLAND: University of Tampere Offers Course on Basic Income, Feb 27;
UNITED STATES: Vermont General Assembly Considers Basic Income Commission, Feb 26;
Basic Income: We Cannot Afford Not to Do It, Feb 26;
A Universal Basic Income Is Anti-Work, Feb 26;
It’s Time For Canada To Test A Basic Income, Feb 26;
Canada: Hamilton wants in on province’s basic income pilot project, Feb 26;
Canada: Ontario government, Senator calling for guaranteed annual income pilot project, Feb 26;
Canada: A Basic Income For Ontario? Province Plans Pilot Project As Part Of Budget, Feb 26;
Le Revenu Universel et Inconditionnel, et si c’était pour bientôt? le 25 févr;
GERMANY: Two top managers speak favourably about Basic Income, Feb 25;
Push for basic income in France, Feb 24;
Sipilä: Basic income should encourage job-seeking, Feb 24;
FRANCE: Conference on basic income pilots at the Finnish Embassy (March 3rd), Feb 23;
It’s Time to Consider a Basic Income Guarantee, Feb 23;
Basic incomes, the War on Poverty, and more, Feb 23;
Replace ESA With Basic Income Plus, Feb 23;
Le revenu de base inconditionnel supprime-t-il le chômage? le 23 févr;
Guaranteed income has flaws, Feb 22;
United Kingdom: Labour Party considers universal basic income, Feb 21;
Une bibliothèque sans argent en construction, le 20 févr;
NAMIBIA: Basic Income Grant request newest step toward poverty eradication, Feb 20;
Italy: Cities’s décisions and votes in favour of Dignity and Minimum Income actions, Feb 20;
Basic income may be needed to combat robot-induced unemployment, leading AI expert says, Feb 19;
CANADA: Manitoba Liberals Vow to Try Basic Income if Elected, Feb 19;
Off Main: What if we gave everybody a guaranteed basic income? Feb 19;
Un jour, nous nous demanderons comment nous avons pu vivre sans revenu universel de base, le 18 févr;
Revenu de base – le piège, le 17 févr;
Revenu universel, intermittence, ou travail partiel? le 17 févr;
Labour Party considering universal basic income policy – shadow chancellor John McDonnell says, Feb 17;
UK: Why it’s time for a universal basic income in Britain, Feb 17;
Opinion: Basic income merits closer look in Quebec, Feb 17;
How I learnt to stop worrying and love Basic Income, Feb 17;
CANADA: Federal Minister Interested in Basic Income, Feb 17;
Universal Income, an Utopian Ideal Or Economic Pragmatism? Feb 16;
ITALY: Bologna …, the right to a Minimum Income, Feb 16: LABAS and Libera and the committee of the campaign for a minimum income also promoted by Welfare Forum, AILES, ACT, TILT Emilia Romagna, host(ed) an event on Monday, February 8th …;
Ni service du travail obligatoire, ni revenu de base, le 16 févr;
FRANCE, Lot-et-Garonne: un revenu à vie dès la naissance, le 15 févr;
INTERNATIONAL: Webinar – Universal Basic Income, What is it and Could it Work? Feb 15;
Can the ECB create money for a universal basic income? Feb 15;
Le revenu de base, universel débat, le 15 févr;
Basic income would be proactive, Feb 14;
GERMANY: Basic Income initiatives in Europe in the leading magazine “Der Spiegel”, Feb 14;
CANADA – LaFLECHE: Time to consider a guaranteed income, Feb 13;
Video: Should Governments Pay A Basic Income? 3.04 min, Feb 12;
CANADA: Basic income is tempting – but it could backfire: Editorial, Feb 12;
Why Silicon Valley’s Leading Startup Incubator Wants To Research Basic Income, Feb 12;
Interview with Zoltan Istvan, US presidential candidate in support of basic income, Feb 12;
CANADA, Toronto: The stage is now set for a basic income for all, Feb 11;
Should Governments Pay A Basic Income? Feb 11;
Switzerland’s Base Income Vote Turns Finance Reform Into a Democratic Spectacle, Feb 11;
Femmes en Amérique centrale et revenu de base universel, le 11 févr;
Le gouvernement guère favorable à l’instauration d’un revenu de base, le 11 févr;
A Basic Income Guarantee or Job Guarantee – Can we have both?, Feb 10;
Let’s trial an Australian basic income for all, Feb 10;
Basic guaranteed income could be game-changer in fight against poverty, Feb 9;
Simple ou simpliste? le revenu minimum garanti …, le 9 févr;
Revenu universel, quel serait son montant? Comment ce dispositif sera financé? le 8 févr;
Le revenu universel en Finlande, un modèle à suivre? le 8 févr;
CASW Deeply Encouraged by Dialogue on Guaranteed Income, by Feb 8;
L’instauration d’un revenu de base à l’heure du numérique s’invite au Sénat, le 8 fevr;
The Universal Guaranteed Minimum Income Mirage, le 8 févr;
Le mythe de l’allocation universelle (2), le 8 fevr;
CANADA: Forum champions income guarantee plan, Feb 7;
Basic income guarantee a good idea for food and farmers, Feb 7;
Basic Income Guarantee will allow us to move up the Maslow Pyramid – interview with Gerd Leonhard, Feb 7;
Le revenu universel, qu’est-ce que c’est? le 6 févr;
INTERNATIONAL: Christopher Pissarides, a Nobel Laureate, argues for UBI at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Feb 6;
We talked to five experts about what it would take to actually institute Universal Basic Income, Feb 6;
CANADA: Region supports basic income guarantee, Feb 5;
Switzerland Will Hold The World’s First Universal Basic Income Referendum, Feb 5;
CANADA, Ottawa: Minister eyes guaranteed minimum income to tackle poverty, Feb 5;
Timid choice for City of Kawartha Lakes to back away from conversation on basic income, Feb 5;
En France, l’idée d’un revenu de base universel fait son chemin, le 5 févr;
SUISSE – Débat: un revenu de base pour tous sans fournir de travail, le 5 févr;
Le revenu de base permet de garantir la dignité – Eduardo Suplicy, le 5 févr;
QUÉBEC: Minister of Employment appointed to work on basic income, Feb 4;
Five Reasons Why A Basic Income Won’t Solve Technological Unemployment, Feb 4;
NAMIBIA: Basic Income Grant to be submitted for Cabinet approval, Feb 4;
South Frontenac adds its voice to call for basic income guarantee, Feb 4;
CANADA: Why we should have a basic income guarantee, Feb 4;
Le revenu de base universel, sympathique mais impossible à mettre en pratique, févr 3;
Quebec Liberals thinking BIG for a change, Feb 3;
L’UCL honore un économiste brésilien qui défend l’allocation universelle, le 3 févr;
Un revenu de base bientôt à l’étude en France? le 2 févr;
Suisse: vers un revenu de base de 2300 euros (NON, Francs Suisses!) pour tous? le 2 févr;
L’UCL honore un économiste brésilien qui défend l’allocation universelle, le 2 févr;
France: Revenu universel, le 2 févr;
PORTUGAL: First Basic Income Conference in Portugal, Feb 2;
Basic income for the Swiss? Feb 2;
Silicon Valley and Basic Income, Feb 1;
Basic income for the Swiss? Feb 1;
Le revenu universel, c’est une belle idée qu’il faut étudier, déclare Myriam El Khomri, le 1er févr;
Le Revenu de Base, un facteur de motivation au travail? – partie 3, le 1er fevr;
Suisse: la question d’un revenu mensuel garanti fait débat, le 1er fevr;
Think tank calls for basic income to replace benefits, Feb 1;
Revenu minimum garanti pour tous, après la Finlande, le Québec, Feb 1;
Suisse: avec ou sans emploi, tous les citoyens auront droit à 2.300 euros par mois, le 1 févr 2016;
Towards a Universal Basic Income in France, elements for a debate, Feb 1;
Life In Berlin, Basic Income Experiment, Feb 1.