on YouTube: Syria's War resp Refugees

uploaded by RT:

  • Too many players in Syria crisis, It’s like Germany in The Thirty Years’ War, 3.58 min, Feb 26, 2016: a ceasefire has come into force in Syria. Along with the government – almost 100 opposition factions have confirmed that they will respect the truce. However, ISIS and al-Nusra Front – along with other terrorist organisations – are not part of the deal. The next step in solving the Syrian crisis will be made on March 7;  
  • CrossTalk: Partitioning Syria, 24.00 min, Feb 26, 2016: even before the agreed Syria ceasefire deal goes into effect Secretary Kerry is talking about the possible partition of Syria. The implications of which are crucially important – is Washington really interested in a ceasefire? Is regime change still front and center? And will the international community stand by as ISIL is given its own state? CrossTalking with Mohammad Marandi, Ammar Waqqaf, and Michael Vlahos;
  • Mixed Messages: Kerry, top US generals have different opinions on Russia, 3.11 min, Feb 25, 2016; (my comment: it’s easy for US politicians to let play the Pentagon the reluctant part for an opinion change at home. Facing Russia, US has lost. On the international opinion level, and also on the military level. End of the debate – Heidi);
  • Breaking Down What Really Happened In Syria – Ken O’Keefe, 11.17 min, uploaded by WeAreChange, Feb 23, 2016 … Luke Rudkowski interviews former marine and outspoken activist Ken O’keefe …;
  • Attack on Refugees, masked men turn boats back from Greek coast, 5.56 min, Oct 26, 2015;

uploaded by different channels:

  • on YouTube-search: Syrian Refugees/last week – Playlists from many uploaders;
  • RUSSIA ATTACKING ISIS (part.38) 25.02.2016, 11.57 min, uploaded by WAR 2020, Feb 25, 2016;
  • Talk to Al Jazeera: I’m scared of the way they look at us – Syrian refugee, 23.35 min, uploaded by Al Jazeera English, Oct 24, 2015 … hundred of thousands of refugees are making their way to Europe. Although this number is smaller than the millions pouring into Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan, it is a crisis dividing Europe. Many Europeans are uneasy and concerned about what they feel is a lack of control and wonder who is coming and whether their societies can cope. So what are the refugees seeking in Europe? And what do they have to say to Europeans who do not want them to come to their countries?
  • The Syrian Refugees Crisis: what you are not be told, 12.59 min, uploaded by PressResetEarth, Sept 4, 2015;

Other Links:

The Ontario Government Is Investigating Giving Everyone Free Money, on Motherboard, by JORDAN PEARSON, Feb 26, 2016;

Who Are You? Jeremy Corbyn Heckled by Conservative MPs during EU Referendum Statement, on The Huffington Post UK, by Graeme Demianyk, Feb 22, 2016;

Die Angst vor den dramatischen Verwerfungen, bei Markus Lanz – Dirk Müller, 13.52 min, von Bananenrepublik 1 vom 17. Feb 2016 … sagt alte Börsenweisheit: sei gierig, wenn die anderen ängstlich sind, und ängstlich, wenn die anderen gierig sind;

The Worst of All Colonialism, Colonising The Mind – David Icke, 24.22 min, uploaded by David Icke, Jan 22, 2016;

11. September – unglaubliche filmaufnahmen !!! 5v7, 10.28 min, uploaded by MrSillyLine, Dec 28, 2014;

Canada: Kingston mayor says budget misses medium-sized cities, on The Whig, by Steph Crosier, Feb 26, 2016;

CIA-Offizier spricht Klartext über US-Imperium, Russland und Ukraine-Konflikt, 44.15 min, von Deutschland+Russland vom 23. Aug 2015;

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