The Integration Puzzle – part 1/23 (one to twenty three)

The Integration Puzzle – part 1/23 (one to twenty three) … with Slim Boutaieb, 47, who teaches immigrants in Munich the basic principles of German culture: What a Million Refugees Mean for Everyday Life.

Published on Spiegel Online International, by staff, Feb 19, 2016: more than a million refugees are now living in Germany. The next task is to integrate them. SPIEGEL spoke with dozens of experts and people working in the field about the everyday challenges the influx means for the country.   

As Germany attempts to integrate hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East and Africa, SPIEGEL met with people around the country and posed some simple questions about its new residents, their integration and general challenges for German society … //

… Slim Boutaieb helps his fellow Arab Muslims in Munich understand Germany. Born in Tunisia, he moved to the Bavarian capital in 1992. He, too, had to first get his bearings in a foreign country. Now, Boutaieb wants to pass along the lessons he’s learned. His contribution to integration is 924 kilobytes in size and 16 pages long. It’s a PowerPoint presentation in German and Arabic, an « Integration 101 » of sorts, which he takes with him when he visits refugee shelters … //

… (full text).

(parts 2-23/23: scroll down for all links).

Related – The European Refugee (resp Migrant) Crisis:

Other Links:

The Deeper Truths Journalists Are Blind to, on Global, by Jonathan Cook, Feb 21, 2016;

Putin vs. Erdogan: NATO Concerned over Possible Russia-Turkey Hostilities, on Spiegel Online International, Feb 19, 2016 (Photo Gallery): in Syria, the danger of a war between Turkey and Russia is on the rise. Officials in Berlin are worried that the situation could become an uncomfortable test case for NATO while Moscow seems intent on sowing divisions within the alliance;;

The French “Patriot Act” – why is France extending its State of Emergency? – Guillaume Kress, Feb 19, 2016: From Pseudo-Democracy to Dictatorship, Clamping Down on Freedom of Expression;

VIDEO. Avenue de l’Europe. L’invitée: Pour faire le tour des politiques d’intégration chez nos voisins et en France – Sabine Choquet, chercheuse, 12.52 min, le 11 février 2016;

Launching the Socialist Register 2016, The Politics of the Right [4 VIDEOS – also on YouTube], on Left Streamed, Jan 14, 2016;

Drewermann Ulanov at Union Theological Seminary NY – 1st US lecture, 93.46 min, uploaded by Drewerman Kanal;

Speech of Eugen Drewermann at Bellevue Palace Berlin, Dec. 13th, 2014, english subtitled, 33.15 min, uploaded by KenFM;

Eklat in Talkshow mit Dirk Müller, 10.39 min, vom blo job Kanal;

… and this … already in memoriam: